Sunday, June 26, 2011

25/52 ~ The Great Bake Off

I've been watching so many shows about cooking and primarily baking lately I thought I would use that as an idea for my photo this week, with Re-Ment of course ;o)

The twins are well known for their delicious cupcakes, but Yin wishes that Yang would be more careful not to get eggshell in the mix...

I've spent most of the day trawling ebay looking for more Re-Ment. I'm desperate for a fridge, one of the pink or white ones. If you see one please let me know! I picked up a few extra food sets that I was missing, and a little cabinet for the kitchen.


  1. Oh so adorable! - the kitties steal my heart! Thanks for visiting and following. And yes of course I love ball jointed dolls! Unfortunately I don't own any yet - and it would be quite some time before I get up the nerve to try my hand at it. *chuckles*
    little steps!~

  2. Rement is fabulous, isn't it? I'm completely addicted. Love the Yin and Yang dolls.
