Friday, October 29, 2010

Blah blah blah

Quick recap of the week that was.

It's been quite a busy week. Running around after kids, catching up with friends etc. Today is the first day I'm at home all day, I do not plan on going out anywhere! I'm behind in housework and I need to catch up, boring I know but it keeps me sane.

On doll sale news.I have now sold Volks Sara, Volks Yukino and CP Miyu. All on layaway but at least they have sold to people that want them. Just have to find homes for Volks MSD F-16, SD F-08 & CP Soo head and we are done and dusted. Anyone interested in Volks Kaelin let me know I might let him go too.

Bought a Pipos Bingo (limited) from DoA last week, hoping he has been shipped and I will see her next week. Some peoples communication skill leave a lot to be desired that is for sure.

This was a pm I received from a DoA member this week asking about my Volks Yukino:

"I was planning on ordering a new Yukino from Volks and I saw your ad.
I would consider buying from you if you could reduce the price and include shipping.
Please let me know what your best price would be."

Ok so that is not too bad, but I had her at $400 with two sets of extra hands, eyes and a wig which I though was a reasonable price. So I explain that I can meet them half way and include shipping in the price of $400 but I could not reduce the price further as shipping would cost me $50 to ship from Australia to the US so I was already losing money. This was the reply:

'Your price is not enough of an incentive for me to buy a used doll. I can buy a brand new one at Volks USA for 418 at the volks usa and since they are within the us the shipping will be low.

Do you include the default wig, box certificate etc?

Is there any staining at all or any other damage?

I will wait to hear from you before I order with Volks USA.

Thanks "

So buy from fucking Volks you asshole!! That is what I felt like saying.

This is what I sent back:


I'm sorry she has now been sold. I'm sure it will work out much cheaper for you to buy her directly from Volks.
Finally, I think you might want to think about how you approach people, I find your manner very rude. It's fine you may not think the price someone sells a doll for is low enough for you to warrant buying it, how you say that to a person is another matter.

I was absolutely fuming when I wrote that, I had to really restrain myself for not going right off at her but I didn't want to stoop to her level. Luckily someone else had pm'd me about a layaway, they were happy with the price, they were polite. So on layaway she is. I'm sorry I've had it with DoA, I really have. No that's not fair, it's not DoA it's some of the members on there, they are so rude!! I can't stand it when people send a pm without a hello, just straight into whatever they want to ask and they don't even say thank you. And don't even get me started if they attempt to communicate with me with text/sms style writing!!!! I feel myself going more and more off dolls at the moment, this kinda thing just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

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