Sunday, January 15, 2012

1/12 ~ Fairytales

Heres my first entry for the 2012 monthly photo challenge.

It's a mish mash of Alice meets Goldilocks, meets Dorothy, meets the frog prince :o)

Speaking of fairytales, has anyone watched that new show Grimm? It's really good :D


  1. Love it !
    Is that taken outside ? The colours are very rich - especially the shoes - love her shoes ^_^

    We don't have Grimm here yet but will look out for it.
    A new series of 'Lost Girl' just started here.It's along the same lines I think, with characters of folklore.

  2. I love your fairy tale photo too! I have'nt forgotten and will do mine soon. No I haven't seen Grimm-it has been advertised I think.

  3. It's a mish mash of goodness nevertheless!

  4. Thanks Carolyn :D Yes it was taken outside, late afternoon, a bit overcast. I did use Picnik on Flickr to tweak it a bit, I used their filter called Cross Process, it gives it a sort of vintage look which I love.
    Lost Girl I haven't heard of that one, I will have o go and search for it :D

  5. Thanks Sarah :D Yes don't forget you have until the end of the month! I can't wait to see everyone else's entries XD

  6. Thanks for the Picnik info - I'll give it a go.
    My first entry is up BTW ^_^

  7. Beautiful photos, Sam!

    Start watching Once Upon a Time! It's a beautiful show.

  8. Thanks Rosey! I'll have a look for that show, fingers crossed we get it here :D
