Sunday, January 15, 2012

1/12 ~ Fairytales

Heres my first entry for the 2012 monthly photo challenge.

It's a mish mash of Alice meets Goldilocks, meets Dorothy, meets the frog prince :o)

Speaking of fairytales, has anyone watched that new show Grimm? It's really good :D

Friday, January 13, 2012

Instagram Oddities 2/52 ~ Ophelia

My beautiful Monster High repaint by [info]armeleia arrived yesterday. I've called her Ophelia, she is so soft and delicate, she reminds me of a little fairy....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Monthly Photo Challenge

Just so I don't forget here are the people so far that have signed up for the monthly themed photo challenge. This is happening across LJ and Blogger so I will post links to the Blogger peeps when the LJ peeps post and vice versa, it'll be cool :D It's like a transblog thingy lol.


Are those creative juices flowing yet??? Don't forget this months theme is Fairytales, you have until the 31st to post your photo :D

Friday, January 6, 2012


So I'm sitting here in the doll room, surrounded by mess and I've come to the realization that I have way too much stuff!!!

I have got to have a clear out - dolls, clothes, little toys, nic nacs, it's gotta go!!!

I had a look on facebook to see if there was a bjd marketplace and there isn't one!! So it made me think maybe I should start one. What do you think? Would you use it? I'm hoping to get a bit of feedback on this before I do anything.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Instagram Oddities 1/52 ~ One of my favorite bunnies!

My first pic for my "Instagram Oddities Challenge". This is one of the first bunny ornaments I ever received from my mum, we used to have a tradition that she would buy me one every Easter <3 I love this bunny!

A new year, a new photo challenge!

Ok so I'm throwing down the gauntlet (I've always wanted to say that lol). It's a fresh new year and if the rapture doesn't get us it should be a great year for photos!

What I thought would be good and doable would be a monthly themed photo challenge. At the start of each month we set a theme for that months photo (if it's just me doing it I'll be the one to set the theme, however if there's more than just me, which I hope,we can take it in turns) and then we post the photo before the end of the month.

So only 12 photos, that gives a little bit more time for the time poor among us ;o) Photos can be of any dolls or toys of your choosing.

To get the ball rolling I will choose January's theme, which will be Fairytales

If you would like to join in please leave a comment :o)

Also as a little side quest I am going to be doing a little Instragram weekly challenge. For those who have iPhones and like to use Instagram please join in, those with other phones that have some sort of photo app please join in too. Taking photos with these apps is so easy and fun, limited to just your imagination! I am going to call my Instagram challenge Instagram Oddities, and I'll be taking pics of all sorts of things around my home, mainly dolls, toys and well...oddities :o)