A belated Merry Christmas to all XD
Wow, how fast did Christmas zoom past!!?? I love the build up to Christmas, the shopping, planning the Christmas dinner, catching up with dear friends, end of school concerts etc etc. I always feel a little defalted on the actual day, don't get me wrong Christmas morning is the best morning ever, but it's afterwards when the excitement subsides, it's a bit of a downer lol. But saying that I did have a fabulous Christmas this year. My brother and his soon to be wife stayed with us for a week. I forgot how much I miss my own family, it was so nice to have someone who knows me and what I was like as a child close to me. We got out the really old family photo album and sat around looking at pictures from when we were both babies *sniff sniff*. I got along really well with my future sister in law, we like a lot of the same things (she loved my dolls, so that was a bonus!).
Hubby bought me a lati body for my little lami vampire head, so finally she is complete! Still waiting for my vampire lea btw, we are fast approaching the six month mark of waiting. I also got Dragon Quest IX for ds which is why I haven't been around much lol. OMG it is amazing, I haven't felt this excited about an RPG since Final Fantasy VII. I may never see the light of day again!!! LOL. Anyone on my flist playing Dragon Quest IX?
So, how was your Christmas? Was Santa good to you? :o)
Christmas did go fast, but boy am I glad it is over! I share your feeling though about Christmas Day sometimes being kind of a let down. The season I think is more fun than the actual day of it. But it was fun - good food, good company, nice gifts. But I am glad to return to routine. :D I've never played Final Fantasy, but people sure do seem to like it!