Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Dolly Diet
Not sure if I mentioned before my growing curiosity with the Unoa dolls from Japan. When I first saw them I wasn't too fussed and couldn't understand why so many people went crazy over them. Then when I bought Poppy my Narae 43cm I started taking more notice of the smaller BJD's. I had always been a devoted super dollfie fan up until then.
Well I have joined the masses and fallen in love with the Unoa's. About a week ago I noticed a U-Noa Sist 1.5ver kit on eBay. I kept my eye on it and then also on DOA there was a Unoa Lusis kit in the marketplace for sale. I missed out on the Lusis but I won the Sist off eBay. It all happened so fast, I couldn't really believe my luck that I had won it. I certainly didn't expect to win and was prepared for the disappointment if I didn't. How's that for fate.
So in order to fund this new girl I am selling Tatiana, my Dark Elf Soo Vampire. I'm sad to let her go but not heartbroken. I really haven't done anything with her since she arrived in January. In a way she was really a substitute for a Vampire Lishe that I so desperately wanted but couldn't get and she really didn't cut the mustard. That sounds harsh I know, she is a beautiful doll, but just wasn't what my heart truly desired. So hopefully she will find a new home where she will be truly loved.
I am also going to have a clear out of all my dolly things and have a little sale on DOA or eBay. Down the track I will sell my Dark Elf Soo to fund Unoa Lusis, hopefully there will be some available through eBay or YJ as all the people will be getting their dolls from the Unoa pre-order that only just ended a week or so ago. Totally kicking myself for missing the pre-order, I could have ordered a Sist and a Lusis for just a bit more than what I paid fro my Sist alone off eBay. I was talking to one girl on DOA and she has waited two years to order her Lusis through the pre-order. Two years!!! I could never wait that long for something. My impulsiveness does cost me money and I wish I could be that patient. But who knows what I might be doing in two years time or what I'm into then. If I want something I want it now! I know, just call me Verruca Salt, lol.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
We are Family
~ Resin Family ~
~Tatiana, Lulu & Tindra ~
~ Suki & Angelique ~
~ Poppy showing off her new outfit & earrings ~
More Tindra
Tindra's Arrival
I can't contain my excitement, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning :o) I'm also finding it hard to put it in to words just how much I love this new gal. She is absolutely stunning, she really took my breath away when I unpacked her and saw her beautiful face for the first time. I love, love, love her! She is even more amazing in real life than on the photos. To say I am happy with her is the biggest understatement in the whole universe, lol. She has stolen my heart and is definitely my favorite of all my big bjd's. I'm going to have so much fun with this one. Her cute little jeans arrived today, just in time for her arrival.
So without further ado here are her arrival pics. As you can see Sasha was excited about the whole thing as much as I was :o)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
How lucky am I? The stunning lady above is coming to live with me and my doll family. A big than you to Susan on DOA for contacting me. I first saw Tindra on Tuesday morning (morning ritual of checking emails, blogs, eBay and DOA, lol), I thought wow I have always wanted a sexy Lishe like that.
I PM'd Susan about some clothes she had for sale and when she got back to me Tindra had been sold. I was disappointed, I was going to message her about Tindra but I was too late. Not meant to be I thought. Anyway when I spoke to Susan about the clothes I just happened to say if the sale for Tindra should fall through let me know.
Well the next morning (my birthday) checking emails etc and there was one from Susan, to my absolute amazement the person had backed out of the sale. She was all mine if I wanted her! Did I ever!!!! Now if that isn't fate then I don't know what is.
Isn't she incredible. I have always loved the Lishe sculpt. I think she would have to be the most classically beautiful out of all the CP dolls. She seems to adapt to so many different looks. I mean, my Lishe - Angelique looks so different to Tindra and yet they are the same mold. Ohh I am so excited to get this girl :o)
I think I will keep her name as Tindra, it really suits her. I will have to ask Susan if she knows what it means, failing that I will ask Mia K as that was who originally owned Tindra. Very small world in the dolly community :o)
Friday, July 6, 2007
NAME: Poppy
NAME MEANING: From the Flower
BIRTHDAY: 3rd July
TYPE: Narin Doll Narae 43cm, Open Eye Standard Face Plate
SKIN: Pinky White
AESTHETICS: Custom Face Up by Vanillashine and body blushing, manicure, pedicure and ear piercing by Vanillashine
EYES: 14mm Masterpiece
WIG: Narin Doll Dark Hermoine
CLOTHING: Default Lingerie from Narin Doll
This girl is gonna be high maintenance I can tell, lol.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Mystery Girl No More
An artist called Vanillashine did her face up, I have heard of her on DOA before, her work is gorgeous. Then she was taken to the Paris Doll Fair in March 2007 and that is where she was sold to Virginie and taken to Switzerland. How amazing is that. I love to know the history of things, especially my dolls. Just waiting to see if she can tell me for sure what colour resin she is and what face mold she is.
Still trying to decide on a name, normally I'm pretty quick to think of a name, usually before they even arrive. I like Nina and Katrina, Kat for short, Juliette is another favorite.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
New Kid on the Block
Are we there yet?
Look at those luscious lips!
Being checked out by the big girls.
~Resin Angels~