NAME: Tatiana
BIRTHDAY: 12th January
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
TYPE: Cerberus Project Vampire Dark Elf Soo
Skin: Normal
AESTHETICS: Luts Custom Faceup
EYES: 18mm Ethereal Angels Eye Candies Vampire Red Wine
WIG: Cancan 11_a Grey Mix
CLOTHING: my*synthetic*soul on eBay
Well here she is, my gorgeous Tatiana, which incidentally means silver haired - hence the silver wig ;o)
She is a CP Vampire Dark Elf Soo from Luts. I am such a slave to Luts it's not funny!! She has been a dream doll of mine for a while now and I finally have her in my mitts. I had Luts do a custom faceup for me. It was the first time I had requested a custom faceup, they did a really great job. Her lips are a little more pink than what I asked for. I actually asked for red but who cares, she is awesome and I love her!